The importance of a clean, organised building site
Every building project is made up of a number of phases, from setting up the worksite right through to cleaning it. We take a look at more to make the whole process run smoothly
Every building project is made up of a number of phases, from setting up the worksite right through to cleaning it.
A construction site brings together a host of different individuals and groups, each bringing their particular skill or field of expertise to ensure the work is carried out as efficiently as possible. The numerous activities that are carried out range from manoeuvring crates and checking their contents to more specialised types of work such as cutting, drilling and polishing materials. The list goes on and can include demolishing existing structures and building new ones.
Working efficiently and creating an orderly environment is as important as the quality of the materials used and the skill of the various tradespeople and professionals involved. This is also an aspect that can prove decisive when it comes to the choice of construction company, because knowing that the site will be handed over in perfect condition can make the difference.
Where possible, it’s generally best to choose a building firm that can provide a turnkey solution, as you will then have a single point of contact who will coordinate everything. If you are tiling, for example, you ideally want a company who will look after every aspect, including not only laying, but also removing any debris and cleaning the location before packing tools and leaving.
Organising a worksite
The starting point for a great end result is a well-organised worksite and keeping the various zones clean is the first step for a firm to build a good reputation.
A place for everything and everything in its place, as the old saying goes, and nowhere is this more important than on a construction site. An orderly environment is key, and this means organising the different work areas and ensuring materials and tools are kept where they should be, out of the way of other workers and safe from potential damage.
This phase also includes cleaning the site before work starts and a series of activities to ensure the surrounding areas are as unaffected as possible. For example, if the work is taking place in an apartment, it is important to also keep the building entrance, lifts, stairs and other shared places clean and tidy. The same holds for the final cleaning once the work is completed.
Also included in this phase is the removal of any debris, rubbish and rubble, which should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations and with consideration for the environment.
Keeping things orderly from the start
As we have already mentioned, keeping a building site orderly right from the start is important also because it reduces the risk of tools and materials being damaged. A clean, tidy environment makes for more efficient, easy working conditions and will almost always lead to a better final result and happy client.
As an example, we can look at tile laying where one of the crucial phases is making sure the entire area is pristine before a tile is even laid. The surface must be completely level and free of any dust and dirt, and the tiles themselves will generally be placed around the walls of the room, out of the way and unlikely to cause those on the site to trip or bang into them.
By always taking an orderly approach, the worksite will be well-organised and the work itself will proceed at a faster, safer pace.
Keeping an apartment or commercial complex clean
The cleanliness and orderliness of a worksite is a calling card that attests to the professionalism and care of any building firm. Nowhere is this more visible than on a shared site such as an apartment or commercial complex.
Whilst our company is extremely attentive to this aspect, ours is not a universal approach and there are, unfortunately, too many businesses that run or are involved in a building site, with no thought for the chaos or inconvenience their activity may create for inhabitants, tenants or even passers-by.
We take pride in training all our staff to always work in an orderly and organised manner at every point of a project and to ensure they keep their area clean and tidy. An orderly, well-kept building site creates better working conditions, meaning not only greater safety for all concerned, but also a more efficient work environment with less likelihood of damage and smoother progress throughout the project.
Disposing of debris and waste
There is also another important aspect to consider, and this is something that is becoming more and more prevalent and touching almost every aspect of our lives, both professionally and personally. That is the environment and even a construction site has its part to play, in the tools and materials used and, of course, the way in which waste and debris is disposed of
Every day a considerable quantity of refuse is created on any construction site and the way a company deals with removing this can go a long way towards creating a positive or negative reputation.
Final cleaning
The work may have been completed, but there is still work to do before vacating the site for the final time. Whatever the nature of the intervention, be it installing sanitaryware, laying floors or painting or tiling walls, an end-of-operation cleaning blitz is called for.
The aim here is to remove all traces of the materials that inevitably accumulate during the course of a renovation or building project, such as silicone, dust, cement and sawdust. You will generally require more than a broom and cloth, as you need to be sure that the finished work can be appreciated in all its glory.
If we take a lovely new stone floor as an example, and imagine that it hasn’t been properly cleaned at the end of the laying process. The dust that is generated by other work onsite will inevitably accumulate on porous surfaces and become absorbed into the grout. At this point, even a rigorous attempt with a cloth and detergent will probably not remove it and intervention will be required by a specialist with the appropriate equipment and an understanding of how to avoid ruining the stone.
Post-cleaning is not only limited to the immediate work area but should also include any affected areas such as passageways, gardens or yards, lobbies and parking areas so that they are all restored to a pristine state.
A clean and orderly worksite creates the right conditions for everyone involved to perform their specialist tasks in the best way possible, more efficiently, safely and faster. It also reduces the likelihood of damage to materials and equipment.
We have been working with natural stone for over seven decades and understand the challenges that can arise in a poorly-run building site. We not only offer packaging solutions to help ease the onsite workload, but also a hands-on service to ensure our tiles and products are installed and laid as they should be. If you would like to know more, please get in touch and we will be happy to provide any information you require.